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Price Comparison

This section offers a comparison of the cotton, polyester and viscose fiber and yarn markets in China, India, and Pakistan.

June 20th, 2019

Fiber prices are bottoming out in China with spun yarn prices further falling, as spinners are taking account of the previous decline of cotton and polyester prices. In Pakistan, the sharp fall of the rupee is protecting spinners from any decline of their prices, in local currency terms. Spun yarn prices have continued falling in …

June 07th, 2019

Cotton fiber prices have begun plunging in China, offering larger margins to spinners, amid lower business activities, however. In Pakistan, prices are moving in a different direction and margins are further soaring. In India, spinners are confronted with other market conditions.  Cotton prices have begun receding in China in May, with the average level of …

June 06th, 2019

Cotton prices are falling across the board in China where polyester prices are even more rapidly plunging, with polyester fibers being more competitive than a month ago, as a result. In India and Pakistan, prices are staying firm, but they could eventually be affected by the Chinese storm.  Cotton and polyester prices are experiencing a …

June 06th, 2019

Cotton yarn prices have dropped in China and Pakistan in the last seven days, whereas being firm in India. Spun polyester and viscose prices have moved into different directions in the three countries. The sharp fall of cotton and polyester prices in China could rapidly disrupt international markets, therefore affecting India and Pakistan.  Cotton and …

May 30th, 2019

Fiber and yarn prices have moved in very different ways in the last seven days depending on fibers being used but also with different trends in China, India and Pakistan. In addition to the volatility of fiber prices, currency variations are also playing a key role.  Cotton fiber and yarn prices have moved into very …

May 23rd, 2019

Cotton and polyester fiber rices have tumbled in China, with spinners being forced lowering their price offers for a very wide range of their products. In Pakistan by contrast, cotton yarn prices have been raised while they were eventually lowered in India. Polyester fiber and spun yarn markets could resist downward market trends in India …

May 16th, 2019

Textile fiber prices have begun tumbling across the board on the international market and on domestic markets in Asia after US President Trump has decided raising import tariffs on a series of Chinese products. An already depressed textile market was actually betting on a sharp increase of China’s buying of US cotton. The weakness of …

May 10th, 2019

Gross margins of cotton yarn producers have sharply increased in Pakistan in May thanks to strong sales and a consecutive rise of prices at spinning mills. By contrast, margins of yarn producers have heavily fallen in India after cotton fiber prices have sharply increased. May prospects are radically different, however. The rise of cotton prices …

May 09th, 2019

Cotton yarn prices could be expected declining on Asian markets after cotton fiber prices have started dropping on domestic and international markets. Demand could remain relatively shy, over surging uncertainties triggered by US tariff threats. Cotton fiber and yarn prices are now clearly declining in Asia, after the New York’s cotton market has begun tumbling …

May 07th, 2019

Polyester use at yarn plants should be favored by the rise of cotton prices in the past months whereas polyester prices were staying stable. The current decline of PSF prices in China should boost demand for polyester at Chinese spinning mills. In India and Pakistan, the cotton/polyester spread has surged in the last 12 months …